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Would you agree that the way you feel about yourself changes everything? Let me ask you this:

  • Do you feel tired too often?

  • Do you have energy to do all the things you want to do with family and friends?

  • Do you get the blues frequently?

  • Would you rather sit around the house than get out and do something productive?

  • Do you like what you see in the mirror?

  • How about this – do you LOVE what you see in the mirror – because you should!

  • Do you dread the thoughts of going into a big gym? Too intimidating?

  • Do you have a hard time finding clothes that look great on you? How about your bathing suit?

  • Have you tried every yo-yo diet out there and think nothing seems to work?


How you feel about yourself really does change everything. If you are tired of feeling not great about yourself, all you have to do is take the first step.


At AFTERBURN PERFORMANCE our team is committed to working with you to help you reach your wellness goals. Take control of your life and let us help you! We offer transformation programs that you won’t find at any other gym. They are simple and they are safe. We guarantee results – you just need to commit.


So - are you ready to start your transformation?


Our goal is to teach you how to make lifestyle changes that will stick over the long term. Feeling great about yourself should not be difficult!


Our program is centered around:

  • Correct nutrition (you should never be starving)

  • Proper exercise (both strength training and cardio)

  • Mindset (you can’t live a positive life thinking negatively) 

  • Community. You will LOVE the Afterburn Performance facility!

  • Real people here, committed to getting real results!


Time to stop thinking about it and take control of your life!

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